Welcome to Devon A2B H3 for hashing on Saturdays, once a month, usually first Saturday of the month. Join the Mystery Tour. Only the Hares and the Beermaster know the location of Point B. If you do find your way to Point B, you'll probably have covered at least 8 miles but with a couple of beerstops on the way. Transport will be arranged to get you back to Point A before nightfall.
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Run 54 5th November 2011 Exeter Imperial FF and PP
This months words were done as a newsheet combined with October's run.
Click here to view the words for this month's run
Click here to view the words for this month's run
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Run 53 1st October 2011 Ashclyst Forest Sorepoint and Paperwork
This months words were done as a newsheet combined with Octobers and can be viewed by clicking HERE
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Run 52 3rd September 2011 Blackmoor Gate
Words for A2B Hash on Saturday 3rd September 2011 Link to PDF with Photos
Venue: Blackmoor Gate car park (a few miles south of Lynton)
Hares: Cathusalem, Flying Fokker, Painted Pussy
Hashers: Endosperm, Horse Trough Mark Two, Cow-Pat, Man-Pig, Plastic-Pig, Hairy Mollusc, Big-Bird, Lark’s Vomit, That’s Crap, She’s Ready, Big Foot, Shortie, Shortie’s Friend, One-Night-Stand, Steve, Mavis, Shat-Nav, Zombie and others whose names I did not get, sorry
Visitors and Virgins: A Harriette from Plympton Hash – first time on A2B; a Virgin on her first Hash
The Hash Welcome
It was cool to be seen here, in Blackmoor Gate car park, especially if you were in shorts and tee-shirts, unlike the occupants of other cars, those “normal” people togged up for a brisk country walk. Not so for us hardy hashers, we jiggled up and down, ran round and round the car park to keep warm and finally circled-up for our Hares to describe what lay ahead. Just when it had all been explained, up drove Big Bird and One-Night-Stand, late because they had seen the word “Lynton” on the directions and driven there instead.
Leg 1 – Blackmoor Gate to Parracombe
We crossed the A39 and squeezed through a gap in the hedge into a farmer’s concrete yard full of pig-pens for Man-Pig and Plastic-Pig, cow pens for Cow-Pat, horse pens for Horse Trough Mark Two, but no sea beds for Hairy Mollusc, nor birds’ nests for Big-Big and Lark’s Vomit. “That’s Crap!” said That’s Crap as he tried to race through the maze of metal barriers but She’s Ready was ready for him and had successfully negotiated the hurdles and got through to the next field. Big-Foot had no such problems, he hurdled the hurdles as they were only knee-high to him, and as for Big-Bird, she simply flew over them.
After that initial excitement it was on along green fields to the village of Parracombe where Painted Pussy was in her element among the village cats as she directed the longs up and the shorts down.
Shortie went down, along with most of the more sedate Harriettes, leaving the speedier ladies to chase the men on the long.
This included CowPat who went for the promised spectacular view but all she saw were the receding bums of the rest of the longs as they raced away, up and up to the top of the ridge and then down and down to the Magic Beer Stop, where the shorts had been for a good ten minutes.
Leg 2 Parracombe to Headless Valley
Leaving the grassy green lane where the beer stop had been, we turned right and came to a Mill and
the next long-short split. I followed a dot that led me through high-walled gates and into another
world. It was a strange, eerie place. A narrow tarmac-surfaced lane wound gently downhill but a
beguiling pile of flour on a tiny footpath to the right enticed me along the other way, and uphill a
few yards to a five-bar gate with the familiar yellow paint marking it as public footpath. “Aha,” I
thought, “I’m on-on and in front.” I was in a pine forest with tall straight trees spearing up towards
the invisible sky, the ground was silent, covered in a brown carpet of pine needles. I went on, up and
up as in a dream, not even the birds were to be heard. The spell broke when I tripped over a root
and thought how quiet it was, then suddenly realised it shouldn’t be that silent. I should be hearing
calling, seeing other hashers. Where were they? There were no dots, but I was no longer alone. Eerie
spirits were all around me and they took on strange forms, did that mushroom I ate at the magicbeer
stop affect me?
I started running back, downhill, past all the foreboding pines, turned hard right onto the narrow tarmac-surfaced lane and ran faster and faster downhill but still the eerie spirits pursued
me. The trail led a detour to the left, over a bridge where I could hear the troll grumbling,
back to the track then a swing uphill left onto a green grassy track.
My heart was cantering, I wanted to slow down but horror of horrors, there was a headless
hasher running next to me.Fear fuelled the adrenalin, I raced away and
down a sloping track desperate to flee this spectre.
At last, Beer Stop 2. I’ll be safe here, I thought, slowing to a jog as I arrived. Alas, not so for at the
Hunter’s Lodge it seemed that Endo, Steve and two other hashers had suffered the same eerie
experience in the woods but far worse than mine, for they had been turned into peacocks!
Sanity was eventually restored at beer stop 2, in the reassuring company of proper hashers, all with their heads on and in their proper forms once more.
The valley was pretty, green with lush foliage, and we enjoyed the serenity.
She’s Ready and I had a meditative moment looking over the stream.
Big Foot, Shortie and Cathusalem rested on a bench and chatted inconsequentially whilst awaiting the remaining hashers from the long route.
Then it was time to hash on, up behind the Hunter’s lodge and onto the spectacular coastal path.
Leg 3 – Heddon Valley to Martinhoe Common along the coastal path
A tall Harriette named Zombie led the way for the shorts, and That’s Crap led the longs. Whichever route you took was stunning. Flying Fokker zoomed around, warning and advising about the options for taking the wider high route versus the lower, more narrow and boulder-strewn route.
Most longs took the lower route and were rewarded with the sight of mountain goats. We had the best of the weather at this point, sunny, clear skies, slight breeze – the reasons why we had come to this area for the A2B.
Where the trail led away from the coast, above Woody Bay, a super-fit Harriette took the lead running lithely upwards into leafy woods, leaving a trail of gasping, breathless hashers in her wake.
Of course, all good things come to end and so did this moment for as we climbed higher and higher, the clouds descended, turning the fine day into drizzle and then rain.
Leg 4 – Martinhoe Common to Blackmoor Gate
We emerged from the woods onto a level grassy area to Beer Stop 3 but it was a hasty affair, a quick slurp an’ burp and off into a headwind and driving rain. Somehow, no doubt through clever route planning, we were pretty much all together - well, within fifty to a hundred yards of each other - as we followed this last leg across the windswept common.
She’s Ready and others checked an obvious-looking way across fields, towards Kennacott, even though That’s Crap had already done so and told us there was nothing there, because we could not believe the route would not go that way, but it didn’t. Served us right, should have listened to the old codger in the first place!
So it was back to the road, heads down to keep the rain out of our eyes, which was why we missed a blob which would have taken us off road behind the hotel. Therefore we stayed on road to Martinhoe Cross and the station – where they kept the train waiting for us but did not serve tea.
Instead, we had a hash huddle in a rickety wooden bus stop until the welcome bus came round the corner, sucked us all in and spat us out again at Blackmoor Gate.
Down Downs and On-Down at The Old Station Inn
In the car park, Down-Downs comprised another hash huddle in a woodshed, this time in the Information Shelter where all twenty-something of us squeezed soggily in. Big Foot did a fine job as Religious Advisor, promising all and sundry he’d give them one. The lucky recipients of Big Foot’s favours included most of the Harriettes! Next we sang Happy Birthday to Mavis and wished him well for his forthcoming trip down under. It was also Cathusalem’s last A2B hash this year as he was returning to Thailand for the winter. Fare ye well Cathusalem!
Last, most importantly, a big thank you to the Hares, Flying Fokker and Painted Pussy, for an excellently researched and well-laid trail, assisted at the numerous Beer Stops by Cathusalem, and thanks also to Lark’s Vomit for photographic evidence that Heddon Valley is haunted.
ON! ON! Horse Trough Mark Two aka HTT aka HT2 aka HT Two aka HT Too!
Venue: Blackmoor Gate car park (a few miles south of Lynton)
Hares: Cathusalem, Flying Fokker, Painted Pussy
Hashers: Endosperm, Horse Trough Mark Two, Cow-Pat, Man-Pig, Plastic-Pig, Hairy Mollusc, Big-Bird, Lark’s Vomit, That’s Crap, She’s Ready, Big Foot, Shortie, Shortie’s Friend, One-Night-Stand, Steve, Mavis, Shat-Nav, Zombie and others whose names I did not get, sorry
Visitors and Virgins: A Harriette from Plympton Hash – first time on A2B; a Virgin on her first Hash
The Hash Welcome
It was cool to be seen here, in Blackmoor Gate car park, especially if you were in shorts and tee-shirts, unlike the occupants of other cars, those “normal” people togged up for a brisk country walk. Not so for us hardy hashers, we jiggled up and down, ran round and round the car park to keep warm and finally circled-up for our Hares to describe what lay ahead. Just when it had all been explained, up drove Big Bird and One-Night-Stand, late because they had seen the word “Lynton” on the directions and driven there instead.
Leg 1 – Blackmoor Gate to Parracombe
We crossed the A39 and squeezed through a gap in the hedge into a farmer’s concrete yard full of pig-pens for Man-Pig and Plastic-Pig, cow pens for Cow-Pat, horse pens for Horse Trough Mark Two, but no sea beds for Hairy Mollusc, nor birds’ nests for Big-Big and Lark’s Vomit. “That’s Crap!” said That’s Crap as he tried to race through the maze of metal barriers but She’s Ready was ready for him and had successfully negotiated the hurdles and got through to the next field. Big-Foot had no such problems, he hurdled the hurdles as they were only knee-high to him, and as for Big-Bird, she simply flew over them.
After that initial excitement it was on along green fields to the village of Parracombe where Painted Pussy was in her element among the village cats as she directed the longs up and the shorts down.
Shortie went down, along with most of the more sedate Harriettes, leaving the speedier ladies to chase the men on the long.
This included CowPat who went for the promised spectacular view but all she saw were the receding bums of the rest of the longs as they raced away, up and up to the top of the ridge and then down and down to the Magic Beer Stop, where the shorts had been for a good ten minutes.
Leg 2 Parracombe to Headless Valley
Leaving the grassy green lane where the beer stop had been, we turned right and came to a Mill and
the next long-short split. I followed a dot that led me through high-walled gates and into another
world. It was a strange, eerie place. A narrow tarmac-surfaced lane wound gently downhill but a
beguiling pile of flour on a tiny footpath to the right enticed me along the other way, and uphill a
few yards to a five-bar gate with the familiar yellow paint marking it as public footpath. “Aha,” I
thought, “I’m on-on and in front.” I was in a pine forest with tall straight trees spearing up towards
the invisible sky, the ground was silent, covered in a brown carpet of pine needles. I went on, up and
up as in a dream, not even the birds were to be heard. The spell broke when I tripped over a root
and thought how quiet it was, then suddenly realised it shouldn’t be that silent. I should be hearing
calling, seeing other hashers. Where were they? There were no dots, but I was no longer alone. Eerie
spirits were all around me and they took on strange forms, did that mushroom I ate at the magicbeer
stop affect me?
I started running back, downhill, past all the foreboding pines, turned hard right onto the narrow tarmac-surfaced lane and ran faster and faster downhill but still the eerie spirits pursued
me. The trail led a detour to the left, over a bridge where I could hear the troll grumbling,
back to the track then a swing uphill left onto a green grassy track.
My heart was cantering, I wanted to slow down but horror of horrors, there was a headless
hasher running next to me.Fear fuelled the adrenalin, I raced away and
down a sloping track desperate to flee this spectre.
At last, Beer Stop 2. I’ll be safe here, I thought, slowing to a jog as I arrived. Alas, not so for at the
Hunter’s Lodge it seemed that Endo, Steve and two other hashers had suffered the same eerie
experience in the woods but far worse than mine, for they had been turned into peacocks!
Sanity was eventually restored at beer stop 2, in the reassuring company of proper hashers, all with their heads on and in their proper forms once more.
The valley was pretty, green with lush foliage, and we enjoyed the serenity.
She’s Ready and I had a meditative moment looking over the stream.
Big Foot, Shortie and Cathusalem rested on a bench and chatted inconsequentially whilst awaiting the remaining hashers from the long route.
Then it was time to hash on, up behind the Hunter’s lodge and onto the spectacular coastal path.
Leg 3 – Heddon Valley to Martinhoe Common along the coastal path
A tall Harriette named Zombie led the way for the shorts, and That’s Crap led the longs. Whichever route you took was stunning. Flying Fokker zoomed around, warning and advising about the options for taking the wider high route versus the lower, more narrow and boulder-strewn route.
Most longs took the lower route and were rewarded with the sight of mountain goats. We had the best of the weather at this point, sunny, clear skies, slight breeze – the reasons why we had come to this area for the A2B.
Where the trail led away from the coast, above Woody Bay, a super-fit Harriette took the lead running lithely upwards into leafy woods, leaving a trail of gasping, breathless hashers in her wake.
Of course, all good things come to end and so did this moment for as we climbed higher and higher, the clouds descended, turning the fine day into drizzle and then rain.
Leg 4 – Martinhoe Common to Blackmoor Gate
We emerged from the woods onto a level grassy area to Beer Stop 3 but it was a hasty affair, a quick slurp an’ burp and off into a headwind and driving rain. Somehow, no doubt through clever route planning, we were pretty much all together - well, within fifty to a hundred yards of each other - as we followed this last leg across the windswept common.
She’s Ready and others checked an obvious-looking way across fields, towards Kennacott, even though That’s Crap had already done so and told us there was nothing there, because we could not believe the route would not go that way, but it didn’t. Served us right, should have listened to the old codger in the first place!
So it was back to the road, heads down to keep the rain out of our eyes, which was why we missed a blob which would have taken us off road behind the hotel. Therefore we stayed on road to Martinhoe Cross and the station – where they kept the train waiting for us but did not serve tea.
Instead, we had a hash huddle in a rickety wooden bus stop until the welcome bus came round the corner, sucked us all in and spat us out again at Blackmoor Gate.
Down Downs and On-Down at The Old Station Inn
In the car park, Down-Downs comprised another hash huddle in a woodshed, this time in the Information Shelter where all twenty-something of us squeezed soggily in. Big Foot did a fine job as Religious Advisor, promising all and sundry he’d give them one. The lucky recipients of Big Foot’s favours included most of the Harriettes! Next we sang Happy Birthday to Mavis and wished him well for his forthcoming trip down under. It was also Cathusalem’s last A2B hash this year as he was returning to Thailand for the winter. Fare ye well Cathusalem!
Last, most importantly, a big thank you to the Hares, Flying Fokker and Painted Pussy, for an excellently researched and well-laid trail, assisted at the numerous Beer Stops by Cathusalem, and thanks also to Lark’s Vomit for photographic evidence that Heddon Valley is haunted.
ON! ON! Horse Trough Mark Two aka HTT aka HT2 aka HT Two aka HT Too!
Saturday, 6 August 2011
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Run 50 2nd July 2011 Dittisham Big Foot and Shortie
A to B words 2nd July 2011
A golden celebration on the 2nd of JulyAnother A to B run – my, how the month flies byNot 50 years of wedded bliss! – it was our 50th run!
Ditisham outside Red Lion, we gathered in the sun.The Hares Big Foot
and Shortie Assist by Rise and ShineThrough windy narrow lanes to get
there – arrived in nick of time!
Lots of hot and sweaty hashers circled at the startin the road above the pub, over looking river Dart.
seemed like 51 of us, I looked inside for moreTo catch Larks Vomit
mopping up…. his dog’s wee from the floor!Nostalgic words from
Cathusalem – he was the founder memberI couldn’t understand a word (he’s 98 remember!)
Pig introduced the Virgins, Twice Knightly and anotherCan’t remember
who it was (it could have been her brother!)Why did she carry rucksack?
Containing What? You’re thinkingDoes she have a great big bag to carry
kitchen sink in!
Troughie was there with bionic hip, though not running sadlyOnly had op
12 weeks ago, so he’s not doing badly“Not as long as last times run” Big foot announced proudly
started running down the road – Havoc barking loudlyWithin a minute
onto beach we circled up for toastNot to eat, but fizz to drink (think
Spocky had the most)Cathusalem sang a song about a badger’s orificeAnd
how you put your finger in – I expect you get the gist!!!He promised all
original members a pint in pub for free50 hashers put their hands up,
said they were there (and me!)
the tidal shore we ran, on mud and broken shellsEnjoying breathing
country air (or rotten seaweed smells)Through farmers fields we jogged
or walked the skies so blue and clearA Beautiful day - too hot to run
we’re all in need of beer!
At last we came to Capton village we stopped to have a drinkBeer and water, peanuts and sweets (chocolate éclairs I think)
off again we had to run, I heaved myself from seatJust as I got my legs
to work – we stopped just up the streetTwo wise men stood bearing gifts
– not frankincense or myrrhBut Ferero Roche wrapped in gold – the type
that I prefer!
Wild flowers growing up the lanes like vetch and campionFront runners now so far ahead we couldn’t hear ON ON
Ragged robin, foxgloves and rosebay willow herbDaisies and hedge parsley grew up from every kerb.
So hot we tried to run in shade, and walk became the speedWas this a mirage that we see, or the oasis that we need.
The hottest day we’ve had since May, we couldn’t stand the heat
A drink stop at Old Mill Creek - we stopped to cool our feet
We paddled in the little stream, ate sweets and drank the beer(although the sewer’s up the road – the water ran quite clear!)
That’s Crap splashed around with Havoc, Itzy found it funnyLarks’s dog not feeling well – she had an upset tummy!!
Which brings to mind some boys got lost….. refused to take a ride -in Larks’s car ‘cos Kura had had an accident inside!!!
finished off the golden chocs which were melting in the sunBig Foot
gratefully received said - “Shortie never gives me one!”The South Hams
is known for beauty and rolling hills I’m told
blobs of flour on Cow Pats now gone all crispy and old!That’s not kind I
think she’s nice – she helped us find our way“I was only having bit of
fun”, I heard PP say.Up a narrow path we ran, mind badgers holes in
middleI thought PP’d disappeared but she’d stopped to have a piddle!
Gasping for air, the view from top was the most breathtaking yet
On the right was Dartmouth College where the Queen and Philip met
In 1946 they rolled and frolicked down this way
He whispered softly in her ear – she said “what did you say?”
He then popped Liz the question – One which changed her life
“Will one do one the honours of be comings ones new wife!!”
The river Dart looked beautiful, boats bobbing in the sun
At far end of a stoney field a drink stop – the last one
Parked in lay-by Larks’s car, the door was open wide
Havoc was hot, he’d had enough. He tried to jump inside
He didn’t care the back seat smelled – he joined Kura his friend
He couldn’t walk another yard – had lift back to the end!
On top of hill we had a photo, dramatic view behind
The run to pub was all downhill – now this we didn’t mind.
Arrived at pub the FBI (the new abbreviation)
PP said “come in for swim” I jumped at invitation
Quite literally we jumped off quay into the murky brink
We had to take our trainers off so that we didn’t sink!
Quite a few had joined the queue to have a swim or float
After getting stuck in mud That’s Crap impersonates tug boat!
With glass in hand we all enjoyed the ale at Ferry Boat Inn
And Cathusalem keeping to his word bought beer……... Just for him!!!
We dried our hair and changed our clothes and circled on the beach
Down downs were given and Cathusalem gave - YET ANOTHER SPEECH!!
That’s Crap got a down down for getting stuck in muddy water
When you think you are a tug boat a thing you never oughta
Then Mavis and Man Pig got one for leading FF astray
Not kicking out the checks on runs he went the other way…..
He went an extra mile - and Flasher would have got one too
But he went home with injury… (I think it was man flu!!)
Twice Knightly got another for what ever’s in her sack
Can’t recall what Vomit did (info on this I lack!)
Of course one went to Cathusalem, and for our 50th run
Without this founder member we wouldn’t have begun!
We then went on to the Awards – the bestest of the year
They too were given down downs and a yellow shirt to wear
Larks Vomit got an award for dishing out the dirt…….
Writing best words – ‘Scribe of the year’ was written on his shirt
The Dartmouth Inn at Totnes got the On Down of the year
And Pillock went to Man Pig – well deserved I hear you cheer
Dutchess, Pods and Shat Nav – Best Lay at Fernworthy Res
Last but not least was Sore Point got Best Hasher so they sez
So thanks Big foot and Shortie and also Rise and Shine
For laying a fantastic trail and giving up your time
And all the other hashers that have set an A to B
We look forward to the run each month. Thanks again. Soapy x
Saturday, 4 June 2011
Run 49 4th June 2011 Newton Abbot Mavid and Peanut

Well first of all can I just say I am not very good at writing the words so if they are poor please blame Manpig for my nomination! Ok moaning out of the way on with the story.
once upon a time in a car park not so far away a fine day it was, in
fact so fine the hashers of the Devonshire A 2 B were worried about the
temperature they were about to face. But not to fear as King Mavis appeared on his chariot to put all of the fine hasher’s minds at rest.
King Mavis unfortunately
was unable to help his disciples as he himself was already sweating
from the heat and only confirmed our fears that it was in fact a long
journey of 14 miles we had ahead. King MAVIS
had other bad news that our steeds that we had travelled in to this
holy meeting place of’ The McDonalds’ car park may not be safe from the
evil ticket sheriffs, what shall we do we cried?? King Mavis yet again failed us by stating his glorious red steed was safe elsewhere & he didn’t care!....
All was at a loss until Queen Peanut in
her chariot arrived. With the King and Queen hares united knowledge was
spread that our steeds would be fine tied up and that on our long
journey ahead there would be bread and water stops for their hashers.
The village idiot Manpig was so overwhelmed by the queens’ bulging cloths he thought there were two of her! King Mavis
quickly announced in a booming voice ‘WE HAVE LAID A HASH’ which
brought the poor fellow out of his trance. Two virgin hashers were
announced, the king’s new entertainer Airfix and the Queens stable boy Slamdunk, as always they were welcomed with open arms. After a quick sketch was drawn of the hashers by the artist known as Shatnav the A 2 B was underway.
Under a tunnel we went on our merry wee way,
22 in all to follow the lay
22 in all to follow the lay
There was Sierra Delta &Sore point to name just a few,
Miss Whiplash who’s legs soon went askew.
Miss Whiplash who’s legs soon went askew.
Airfix announced he’d been on a sun bed
to darken his skin for a shoot in the med.
to darken his skin for a shoot in the med.
There were leaps and bounds with many great hounds
and with that stories you will hear in the down downs.
and with that stories you will hear in the down downs.
BIGFOOT & SHORTY together they ran
but soon lost each other in the wild green land.
but soon lost each other in the wild green land.
‘ON ON’ cried Paper work at the front of the pack
who soon found a fish hook to send us all back.
who soon found a fish hook to send us all back.
Along a lane we ran and my leg felt a twitch,
Sierra Delta said that this was my ditch
where I fell & I cried and lay on my side
until the fair maiden took me aside.
Sierra Delta said that this was my ditch
where I fell & I cried and lay on my side
until the fair maiden took me aside.
‘Come with me’ she said I know a good witch’
and took me away to get a wee stitch.
and took me away to get a wee stitch.
But now back to today’s injury free lay,
running by fields of long lucious hay,
bounding along as one happy troop
and on to see Zombie at the first of the re-groups.
Sweets and treats were waiting ahead
where Peanut & Mavis had already led
drank and we ate and before it was too late
we put cream on our backs
to helps stop the cracks
then off we ran and followed a plan
to the next
regroup down by the sand.
Here we found a very deep moat
where the only way to cross was via a
boat, t
he man we paid with gold and sweat,
one foot ashore and of we set
‘ON ON’ we cried to the third stop we fled,
hunting for clues as the chalk had gone dead
until Mavis was seen and we all became keen to carry on running and keep our selves lean
hunting for clues as the chalk had gone dead
until Mavis was seen and we all became keen to carry on running and keep our selves lean
Another split and I muttered ‘O S**T’ as I had lost the pack
and was at the back,
never fear said Queen Peanut just follow trail,
soon you’ll find the hashers without fail
Faster I strode to catch up the others
and soon found Miss Whiplash the fairy god mother
More I pushed and became the front person
to find the ‘On Home’ and The Bishop John De Grandisson.
So now on to ye old down downs with Melon Picker as RA! Obviously King Mavis & Queen Peanut received the finest chalice of ale for a very fine hash followed by Shatnav for his portrait taking at the beginning, Big foot & Shorty for despite completing 96 Marathons managing to loose each other!, then there are the Dogging matters….Soapy for just pure lies about the quality of training of her dog, Chucky for bad handling and going doggy style??..., Miss Whiplash for not blaming her fall on the dog! And Cathusalem for lifting dogs over gates then walking through them! aswell as gracing us with a verse about something called Prostitutes?? Never heard of them myself…Umm then of course Manpig for being entranced in Queen Peanuts..…, Arc Angel for hashing or not hashing at all?? Who knows and finally Spank the Monkey just because she has a fantastic name!!
AGM:Well pretty much unchanged! So we have:
GM- Manpig
Hash Cash- Sore Point
Hon Sec- Cow Pat
Hare Raser- Shatnav
Beer Meister- Paper Work
Haberdasherir- Peanut
Next months hash, the 50th! Big Foot & Shorty at The Red Lion in Dittershum!
ON ONPlastic Pig!
Saturday, 7 May 2011
Run 48 May 7th 2011 Vennford Reservoir Shatnav and Zombie
A-B May 2011 – Hares Shat Nav & Zombie. Venford
Reservoir, Dartmoor.
The day started with confusion over which car park to meet
in. Hashers were seen traversing the
reservoir going to and fro the two car parks trying to make up their
minds. Eventually we settled on one and
started to form a little huddle. The
hares were no-where to be seen, but then again, that wouldn’t be difficult, as
the mist was so low we couldn’t see our hands if we stretched out our arms, so
they could have been hiding just out of reach.
HIV decided to have a little look around to see if he could
see flour, just to check we were in the right place. No flour to be seen. Also not surprising really, due to the fact
that we’d had a HUGE downpour overnight.
Eventually the hares arrived out of the mist and a circle
was called to order. Man Pig eventually
remembered what number hash we were on, Virgin hasher Happy Shopper from
Plympton was introduced, Sierra Delta was nominated RA for the day and
Paperwork was volunteered to write the words as his name has something to do
with paper and work. However, since
paperwork is infact totally illiterate, it falls upon me, Sorepoint, to do the
The hares wish us luck, as they took 5 hours laying the
trail yesterday, but due to the aforementioned hurricane there was little, if
any, flour left out there. We were told
the on was over the bridge in the other car park! Doh!
We were there already, but Shat Nav thought the other car park would be
too busy for us all to fit in. So over
we go. Still no flour. A cuckoo calls, as if mocking us, or trying
to tell us the way. We keep
looking. The hare craftily lays a few
arrows and off we go following a little leat in the moor. Hold on a minute, says Shat Nav, we shouldn’t
have gone this far. It’s over to the
left a bit. We all start to climb the
incline to the left, spread out looking for flour. The mist has dropped again, and even the
marine, Strongbow, is beginning to think we should abandon this orienteering
exercise and get off the moor before we all get eaten by sabre toothed tigers
or something. The hare is having none of
this namby pambyness and eureka – eventually finds the track we should have
been on. HIV is moaning by this point
that he wishes he’d put his shorts on as the sun makes a brief appearance.
We make it as far as a river crossing. The river is in full spate after all the
tornadoes but we bravely attempt the stepping stones. This causes certain hashers more trouble than
others, doesn’t it She’s Ready?
Obviously not ready for stepping stones!
Hairy Mollusc and Shat Nav help things along by getting in the water and
splashing She’s Ready – just to give her confidence that she won’t fall in and
get wet. The trail goes past a lovely
little cottage and up onto the road. I
then realise where we are, as it’s just down the road from Pixies Holt where we
stayed with City of Exeter Hash last year for their autumn gathering. On down the road to a car park and Zombie is
waiting with the first beer stop. This
shuts HIV up, as he is able to change into his shorts and happiness is
restored. The sun makes another
appearance and we can actually see our toes.
Peanut has been carrying a jumper around with her all hash, and a
discussion ensues about what is the most useless thing to take on a hash with
you – answers on a postcard please – best answer we had at the regroup was
That’s Crap!
Zombie sneaks away to live lay the next part of the trail,
to try and avoid the complete lack of flour in the first third. We finish scoffing sweeties and beer and the
conversation dips yet further with That’s crap offering to service anyone with
No Service. Off we go again with Shat
Nav taking the vehicle on to re-group 2.
Will he get there though; he’s called Shat Nav for a reason you know!
The trail leads up, up, up, up and more up. We eventually scale Everest up to a lovely
bowl shaped tor. We naturally all sat
down inside out of the wind and had an in-depth talk about letter boxing –
there being just such an item hidden in the stones. A full history and lecture was given and
received before we realised that the weather was taking a nasty turn for the
worse and we really ought to be getting going.
It took a while to find the blobs from here, but eventually the on was
called and off we went again trying to stay in front of the weather. We came across Shat Nav standing at a
monument on the next hill – but where’s Zombie?
Good question. By this time the
mist was around our ankles again and Zombie was lost in action. A bit further on, and lots of shouting,
Zombie was found cutting her way out of the pea soup. Now though the hares had an important
discussion on what way we needed to go, as they were now both lost! Zombie had been able to see where she was
heading before the clouds came down, and Shat Nav couldn’t remember which
direction he’d left the car. Cuckoo,
cuckoo. Had we just gone in a massive
circle, or was the cuckoo just mocking us?
We found the road. More by luck
than judgement, and Shat Nav drove off in one direction, as we all ran off in
Regroup number two was successfully found, and this time
Shat Nav slipped away to do the live haring.
Clever old That’s Crap was watching which way he went, so when we all
set off we followed That’s Crap’s advice.
The faster ones get away and leave Mavis, Peanut, Cow Pat and myself
behind. There’s a Bull in this field,
and Mavis is a little nervous. We ended
up doing a little detour to avoid him, as he was looking a little amorous and
we were all wearing various shades of red!
Picked up the trail again across the moor and found ourselves on another
road where everyone was waiting at a hash halt.
A little conflab was had, about whether or not we attempt the long/short
split from this point. It was decided to abandon the long, as the hares had got
a little lost laying it in the sunshine the day before, so we had absolutely no
hope today – so everyone proceeded along the short, down the road and into
Widecombe in the Moor. The B was found
to be the Old Inn at Widecombe.
An excellent 9 mile hash against all the odds. Thank you hares.
Down downs were done immediately in the car park, as some of
the hardy hashers wanted to do it all again in an hour’s time in honour of
Down Downs went to:
Hares – only counted 4 domestics during the course of the
day. And Shat Nav steadfastly continuing
with trail even when a marine says he would give it up!
Strongbow – for getting lost on the way to the hash – bad
Mavis and Peanut – Sex on the hash (well – canoodleing anyway!)
Mavis and Sorepoint – discussing educational reforms – being
far too intellectual.
Happy Shopper and Hairy Mollusc – for not mentioning their
relationship at the start. (father and
son – before your minds run away with you!)
Sorepoint – lewd comments about gobbling while running past
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Run No 46. 05/03/2011 Harberton. Shat Nav and ManPig
Devon A2B 5 March 2011. Run No 46. A – Harberton.
Hares: Shat Nav (He’s crap at navigating) and Manpig (He’s a man and he’s a pig).
Beer Mistress Zombie (She’d rather die than hash).
March is the last month that the River Dart is open to White Water canoeists and I am booked on a 4 star course for the weekend of the A2B. I send my apologies to ManPig. I am full of trepidation as I have done very little canoeing this winter and 4 star is at least one level above my ability. This A2B is also the last chance of a longish training run before the Grizzly. I am full of trepidation about the Grizzly as I have done very little training over the last year and 20 miles is at least double my current ability.
I have warned my canoeing coach that I may turn up late and hung over on both Saturday and Sunday as I have dinner parties to go to on both Friday and Saturday nights.
On Wednesday I got a “Get out of jail free card”. Due to the lack of rain and low river levels the canoeing course is cancelled. Phew! That’s a relief, I can save face in the Canoe Club and do the A2B.
Fridays dinner party was actually more of a “house cooling party” It’s Plastic Pig’s (he’s a part time cop) parents place, they have moved to Spain and the house is “Sale agreed”. As it’s very near to Harberton it would be rude not to do the hash.
Plastic Pig and PeaNut (It’s on her No. plate, which I believe is personalized) agree to come along!
We wake up to Frost on the cars and a very dull looking day, I’m glad I won’t be spending long hours “in” the river today!
We wind our way through the tiny roads of Harberton looking for the village car park, at one point having to fold the wing mirrors in to squeeze between two walls. They obviously didn’t have much foresight, regarding the size of twenty first century cars when they built the Church House Inn.
Although the frost has gone it is still nippy and all the talk is about the cold and how much or little training has been done for the Grizzly, it seems that for most of us this is the last ditch effort before next Sunday.
There are 32 hashes at the circle according to Sore Point. At the circle Manpig nominates Gaffer to be R.A. and Cinderfella (yours truly obviously, I once wore size 7 trainers to the On Down) to write the words. There are Three A2B virgins Cuckcoo from Plympton. Woof Woof from Isca/South Hams and Whisperer from South Hams.
Has anyone (apart from me of course) ever thought of compiling a directory of Hashers names and how they got them??? There are some that intrigue me, Spank the Monkey seems such a lovely lady!
Shat nav told us the usual lies about the length of the trail and where it was marked etc, then we were off.
Within 50 yards of leaving tarmac Mavis (a tenuous link to a car hire company he worked for) goes down with a twisted ankle. I realise I haven’t got my usual first aid kit, but it is only Mavis. Peanut phones Zombie to get him picked up, and they retire to the pub for an early lunch. After a few hundred yards we come to the first Long/Short split
Another mile and it’s Rearender’s (she’s lousy at reversing, or driving forward for that matter) turn to trip and badly grazes her knee. She hobbles for a while until the pain subsides then picks up the pace again. I leave her running with Drag Act (usually towed by a dog) and try to catch up the FRB’s a bit.
Soon we find ourselves at a R.G. in Harbertonford where the shorts rejoin us, but there is no beer or sweets, Shat Nav says “this is not a Beer Stop” and directs us across the A381.
Eventually we find ourselves in the hamlet of Bow at the B.S. Miss Whiplash (used to be a horse ridding instructor) is there helping out with Hash Hound Taffy (an odd name for an English Spaniel for Southampton). Taffy isn’t allowed to do long hashes as he doesn’t pace himself and suffers the next day.
From Bow the shorts were directed to Asprington, while the longs went on to Tuckenhay and had to do a lap of Cornworthy first. All very pretty villages which were a distraction from the cold and distance. Then a very scenic run along the banks of Bow creek, where I noticed a dinghy full of rain water that was still frozen. We retraced our steps to Bow and followed the shorts through Ashprington then down onto the foreshore of Sharpham estate. Here I met Shat Nav who said it was only half a mile to the next beer stop then two miles to B. It was during this leg that I saw Meavy Maid and Whisperer taking a short cut across a field, I hope they didn’t trample on the Snow Drops.
About a mile and a half later I arrived at said beer stop, passing some shorts retracing their steps, Duchess (Her surname is Noble) told to say that “the flap jacks look just like feet”. The crumbs I was offered were tasty but looked nothing like feet, but didn’t want to spoil the joke, the rest of the crowd were amused anyway even though I didn’t get it. Then I saw the specially reserved one for Shat Nav. There’s love for you!
Feeling a bit worse for wear and thinking I had only run about 8 miles (as it was only supposed to be 11 miles in total) I was rather concerned about how I was going to manage 20 miles next week. I was therefore a somewhat relieved when I heard that we had actually covered 11.5 miles already.
From the second B.S. it was back down to the back of the river and on into Totnes where we discovered that B was the Dartmouth Inn.
A hash menu was laid on but as the carvery was due to be served at 5 pm some opted to wait half an hour. I restrained myself and just had some cheesy chips as I had a five course dinner to look forward to.
We were called outside into the cold again for the Down Downs, Gaffer called forward Mavis for his fall and spending all afternoon in the pub. Woof Woof for saying she wanted a “Chew but had to Suck it because it was hard”. Cuckcoo for asking why there wasn’t a bowl of Ibruprufen at the B.S. then delving into her own supply. Vomit for needing some of Spank the Monkey’s Poo bags even though he didn’t have a dog. That’s Crap for giving the R.A. some toilet paper to write on. Catflap for saying “Bonking had sapped his energy”. Endosperm for having no energy (I don’t know if there is a connection there?) Emperor Ming for being that fashion conscious that he couldn’t wear the same cardigan as Vomit in the pub.
And the hares for “laying” or was that “lying”. Total distance run was 15.6 miles.
Sorry we had to “run” and couldn’t give U Bend Over (He’s a plumber) and Plastic Pig who we had promised lifts back to their cars, but dinner was waiting!
On On
Beer Mistress Zombie (She’d rather die than hash).
March is the last month that the River Dart is open to White Water canoeists and I am booked on a 4 star course for the weekend of the A2B. I send my apologies to ManPig. I am full of trepidation as I have done very little canoeing this winter and 4 star is at least one level above my ability. This A2B is also the last chance of a longish training run before the Grizzly. I am full of trepidation about the Grizzly as I have done very little training over the last year and 20 miles is at least double my current ability.
I have warned my canoeing coach that I may turn up late and hung over on both Saturday and Sunday as I have dinner parties to go to on both Friday and Saturday nights.
On Wednesday I got a “Get out of jail free card”. Due to the lack of rain and low river levels the canoeing course is cancelled. Phew! That’s a relief, I can save face in the Canoe Club and do the A2B.
Fridays dinner party was actually more of a “house cooling party” It’s Plastic Pig’s (he’s a part time cop) parents place, they have moved to Spain and the house is “Sale agreed”. As it’s very near to Harberton it would be rude not to do the hash.
Plastic Pig and PeaNut (It’s on her No. plate, which I believe is personalized) agree to come along!
We wake up to Frost on the cars and a very dull looking day, I’m glad I won’t be spending long hours “in” the river today!
We wind our way through the tiny roads of Harberton looking for the village car park, at one point having to fold the wing mirrors in to squeeze between two walls. They obviously didn’t have much foresight, regarding the size of twenty first century cars when they built the Church House Inn.
Although the frost has gone it is still nippy and all the talk is about the cold and how much or little training has been done for the Grizzly, it seems that for most of us this is the last ditch effort before next Sunday.
There are 32 hashes at the circle according to Sore Point. At the circle Manpig nominates Gaffer to be R.A. and Cinderfella (yours truly obviously, I once wore size 7 trainers to the On Down) to write the words. There are Three A2B virgins Cuckcoo from Plympton. Woof Woof from Isca/South Hams and Whisperer from South Hams.
Has anyone (apart from me of course) ever thought of compiling a directory of Hashers names and how they got them??? There are some that intrigue me, Spank the Monkey seems such a lovely lady!
Shat nav told us the usual lies about the length of the trail and where it was marked etc, then we were off.
Within 50 yards of leaving tarmac Mavis (a tenuous link to a car hire company he worked for) goes down with a twisted ankle. I realise I haven’t got my usual first aid kit, but it is only Mavis. Peanut phones Zombie to get him picked up, and they retire to the pub for an early lunch. After a few hundred yards we come to the first Long/Short split
Another mile and it’s Rearender’s (she’s lousy at reversing, or driving forward for that matter) turn to trip and badly grazes her knee. She hobbles for a while until the pain subsides then picks up the pace again. I leave her running with Drag Act (usually towed by a dog) and try to catch up the FRB’s a bit.
Soon we find ourselves at a R.G. in Harbertonford where the shorts rejoin us, but there is no beer or sweets, Shat Nav says “this is not a Beer Stop” and directs us across the A381.
Eventually we find ourselves in the hamlet of Bow at the B.S. Miss Whiplash (used to be a horse ridding instructor) is there helping out with Hash Hound Taffy (an odd name for an English Spaniel for Southampton). Taffy isn’t allowed to do long hashes as he doesn’t pace himself and suffers the next day.
From Bow the shorts were directed to Asprington, while the longs went on to Tuckenhay and had to do a lap of Cornworthy first. All very pretty villages which were a distraction from the cold and distance. Then a very scenic run along the banks of Bow creek, where I noticed a dinghy full of rain water that was still frozen. We retraced our steps to Bow and followed the shorts through Ashprington then down onto the foreshore of Sharpham estate. Here I met Shat Nav who said it was only half a mile to the next beer stop then two miles to B. It was during this leg that I saw Meavy Maid and Whisperer taking a short cut across a field, I hope they didn’t trample on the Snow Drops.
About a mile and a half later I arrived at said beer stop, passing some shorts retracing their steps, Duchess (Her surname is Noble) told to say that “the flap jacks look just like feet”. The crumbs I was offered were tasty but looked nothing like feet, but didn’t want to spoil the joke, the rest of the crowd were amused anyway even though I didn’t get it. Then I saw the specially reserved one for Shat Nav. There’s love for you!
Feeling a bit worse for wear and thinking I had only run about 8 miles (as it was only supposed to be 11 miles in total) I was rather concerned about how I was going to manage 20 miles next week. I was therefore a somewhat relieved when I heard that we had actually covered 11.5 miles already.
From the second B.S. it was back down to the back of the river and on into Totnes where we discovered that B was the Dartmouth Inn.
A hash menu was laid on but as the carvery was due to be served at 5 pm some opted to wait half an hour. I restrained myself and just had some cheesy chips as I had a five course dinner to look forward to.
We were called outside into the cold again for the Down Downs, Gaffer called forward Mavis for his fall and spending all afternoon in the pub. Woof Woof for saying she wanted a “Chew but had to Suck it because it was hard”. Cuckcoo for asking why there wasn’t a bowl of Ibruprufen at the B.S. then delving into her own supply. Vomit for needing some of Spank the Monkey’s Poo bags even though he didn’t have a dog. That’s Crap for giving the R.A. some toilet paper to write on. Catflap for saying “Bonking had sapped his energy”. Endosperm for having no energy (I don’t know if there is a connection there?) Emperor Ming for being that fashion conscious that he couldn’t wear the same cardigan as Vomit in the pub.
And the hares for “laying” or was that “lying”. Total distance run was 15.6 miles.
Sorry we had to “run” and couldn’t give U Bend Over (He’s a plumber) and Plastic Pig who we had promised lifts back to their cars, but dinner was waiting!
On On
Saturday, 5 February 2011
Run 45 5th February 2011 The Otter Inn, Colaton Raleigh. Hares: PP and FF
Run number: 45
Date: 5th February 2011.
Point A: The Otter Inn, Colaton Raleigh.
Hares: PP and FF
The hash gathered on a surprisingly warm afternoon at The Otter Inn. After a short while, Man-Pig attempted to call the hash to order. I say attempted, because the pack seemed unable arrange itself into a simple circle – instead creating some kind of ‘blob’ type formation. And taking the hash photo was no easier – with a degree of confusion as to whether we were meant to be looking towards the hedge or towards the camera! To be on the safe side, I understand a photo of each version was taken. Despite the dodgy circle, and the confusion over the photo, Man-Pig decided to get on with proceedings anyway; HIV was nominated RA for the day and I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and ended up being nominated for the words!
By this time, the ‘blob’ had managed to form a shape which, arguably, did at least kind of resemble a circle. Looking around, it was clear that there were a number of A2B virgins in the pack, who were then called to the centre of the circle and asked to say their name and who had made them come. Strangely, despite not being present himself, it seemed that Spockybitz had been responsible for making several of the virgins come!! Whether or not these two points were connected seemed to be a recurring theme of discussion throughout the afternoon!
After a briefing from the hares, the hash started with a check in the pub car park. Eventually, ‘On-On’ was called, and we headed west along a small lane which turned into a track and led to the first long/short split. The pace was already picking up amongst the FRB’s but, being native to East Devon, I had a feeling that the long climb onto Woodbury Common might soon be upon us. And, sure enough, after the long trail rejoined the short trail, it began and I was glad I hadn’t started off too fast.
Soon, we arrived at the first re-group, which was on the edge of Woodbury Common, next to a ford. Once everyone was there, we set off – only to find another re-group about 20 metres further up the track. Another much shorter re-group then took place, before PP and FF told us we were being silly and we’d best carry on! So we did, and soon found the second long/short split.
The longs carried on up the hill, before running back down to join the shorts again. It was then, as we went into Uphams Plantation, that the fun began! It soon became apparent that another hash had recently been in the woods too! Since it was me who had laid the ‘other trail’ for the Otter hash on the previous Thursday, I thought I’d keep a low profile and see what happened. Well, it was chaos! And when I arrived at a junction to discover most of the pack participating in a ‘mass-debate’ about who’s hash they were following, I thought I’d better own up. It turned out that our cunning hares, PP and FF, had been very eco-friendly by recycling some trail, and we soon found our way to the first beer stop. The relief amongst the pack was clear to all to see!
But, there were some hounds missing!......little did we know, further drama was unfolding in the woods! Strongbow and a few others were busy rescuing Soapy (I think!), who was injured, and was being taken to another car park to meet FF in his car. This meant that, after setting up the beer stop, FF had to abandon all the beer and leave it in the ‘responsible’ hands of the pack! A dangerous move, but, fortunately, PP soon arrived to restore some order! Disaster averted!
The hash then continued across the Common, with more eco-friendly trail recycling taking place, before we arrived at the third long/short split. The longs ran a long loop around part of the Common before enjoying the descent to Squabmoor Reservoir car park. Minibar decided to run up and down the hill a couple of times…..well, he didn’t decide to, he just wasn’t looking hard enough for the trail and didn’t see the ‘On’ dot first time around!
We FRB’s then managed to overshoot a very important arrow, which pointed to the second beer stop. I’m not sure how we managed that, because we had That’s Crap with us, who can normally smell these things from a mile away! It seemed that the shorts couldn’t understand it either, because, once FF had eventually managed to get us back to the beer stop, they were ‘mass-debating’ again!......this time about how we’d nearly missed the beer!
Next it was ‘On On’ along the shore of the reservoir to the final long/short split. At this point, it was reported that Two Secs had randomly charged off in a different direction. Why?, we did not know at the time, but it later emerged that she was chasing men on bikes! (not for the first time by all accounts!). In the mean time, the longs were running around the woods near Dalditch Farm, and eventually re-joined the shorts not far from the split.
By this time, I had made up my mind that B was going to be in East Budleigh – but at which pub? We charged down off the Common, and with other FRB’s sensing that B may be close, the pace began to increase again – although, clearly, this was aided by the refreshingly downhill gradient!
Point B turned out to be at the Rolle Arms, which is conveniently located next to a bus stop. Fortunately, for Strongbow, who had forgotten to put a spare pair of shoes in his bag, there wasn’t long to wait for the bus back to point A. However, it was long enough for some of the pack to find the bar….and then to miss the bus!! In the meantime, the majority of the pack waited patiently at the bus stop, which duly arrived on time and was pretty much empty…until we got on! The driver looked somewhat puzzled as to why so such a rabble wanted to get from East Budleigh to Colaton Raleigh at 1620 in a Saturday afternoon! Troy explained as we got on the bus, but to no avail! I think the driver thought we were mad – which I guess could be considered an understandable thought!
As the bus approached point A, it passed Man-Pigs son (Man-Piglet, I think…at least that will do for the purposes of these words because I know no better!!), who had finished watching the rugby and was making his way to the pub. So, as soon as we got back to the car park, Man-Pig jumped in his car to collect Man-piglet and save him the walk down the road. However, while his dad’s back was turned, Man-piglet had clearly managed to thumb a lift as he was sat comfortably in the pub enjoying a pint while wondering what was making Man-Pig take so long to get from the bus stop to the bar!!
Miss Whiplash, I’m told, was nervous about going to the on-down. Unusual for any hasher, but it seems that Miss Whiplash was once banned from The Otter Inn and, being a law abiding person, hadn’t been back since. She snuck in behind some other hashers, and no one seemed to notice!!
Good food and beer was served in the pub – which was a good thing, because it was a long wait for the ‘circle’. I think Paperwork and Sorepoint were being widely blamed for the delay – apparently it was something to do with them ordering the biggest meal ever seen this on side of the Atlantic!
We eventually moved outside for the circle. By which time though, some of HIV’s best laid plans were ruined…….half the people who had ‘earned’ down-downs had escaped – clearly with guilty minds! Despite this the circle proceeded with HIV making it up on the spot! He did a very good job, but I can’t remember who got the down-downs!...other than the hares (for being the hares), possibly Spockeybitz (for only coming to the on-down), and Two Secs (for chasing the blokes on bikes). But there were also others!
Thanks to the hares for an excellent hash over some awesome terrain.
On On!,
Date: 5th February 2011.
Point A: The Otter Inn, Colaton Raleigh.
Hares: PP and FF
The hash gathered on a surprisingly warm afternoon at The Otter Inn. After a short while, Man-Pig attempted to call the hash to order. I say attempted, because the pack seemed unable arrange itself into a simple circle – instead creating some kind of ‘blob’ type formation. And taking the hash photo was no easier – with a degree of confusion as to whether we were meant to be looking towards the hedge or towards the camera! To be on the safe side, I understand a photo of each version was taken. Despite the dodgy circle, and the confusion over the photo, Man-Pig decided to get on with proceedings anyway; HIV was nominated RA for the day and I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and ended up being nominated for the words!
By this time, the ‘blob’ had managed to form a shape which, arguably, did at least kind of resemble a circle. Looking around, it was clear that there were a number of A2B virgins in the pack, who were then called to the centre of the circle and asked to say their name and who had made them come. Strangely, despite not being present himself, it seemed that Spockybitz had been responsible for making several of the virgins come!! Whether or not these two points were connected seemed to be a recurring theme of discussion throughout the afternoon!
After a briefing from the hares, the hash started with a check in the pub car park. Eventually, ‘On-On’ was called, and we headed west along a small lane which turned into a track and led to the first long/short split. The pace was already picking up amongst the FRB’s but, being native to East Devon, I had a feeling that the long climb onto Woodbury Common might soon be upon us. And, sure enough, after the long trail rejoined the short trail, it began and I was glad I hadn’t started off too fast.
Soon, we arrived at the first re-group, which was on the edge of Woodbury Common, next to a ford. Once everyone was there, we set off – only to find another re-group about 20 metres further up the track. Another much shorter re-group then took place, before PP and FF told us we were being silly and we’d best carry on! So we did, and soon found the second long/short split.
The longs carried on up the hill, before running back down to join the shorts again. It was then, as we went into Uphams Plantation, that the fun began! It soon became apparent that another hash had recently been in the woods too! Since it was me who had laid the ‘other trail’ for the Otter hash on the previous Thursday, I thought I’d keep a low profile and see what happened. Well, it was chaos! And when I arrived at a junction to discover most of the pack participating in a ‘mass-debate’ about who’s hash they were following, I thought I’d better own up. It turned out that our cunning hares, PP and FF, had been very eco-friendly by recycling some trail, and we soon found our way to the first beer stop. The relief amongst the pack was clear to all to see!
But, there were some hounds missing!......little did we know, further drama was unfolding in the woods! Strongbow and a few others were busy rescuing Soapy (I think!), who was injured, and was being taken to another car park to meet FF in his car. This meant that, after setting up the beer stop, FF had to abandon all the beer and leave it in the ‘responsible’ hands of the pack! A dangerous move, but, fortunately, PP soon arrived to restore some order! Disaster averted!
The hash then continued across the Common, with more eco-friendly trail recycling taking place, before we arrived at the third long/short split. The longs ran a long loop around part of the Common before enjoying the descent to Squabmoor Reservoir car park. Minibar decided to run up and down the hill a couple of times…..well, he didn’t decide to, he just wasn’t looking hard enough for the trail and didn’t see the ‘On’ dot first time around!
We FRB’s then managed to overshoot a very important arrow, which pointed to the second beer stop. I’m not sure how we managed that, because we had That’s Crap with us, who can normally smell these things from a mile away! It seemed that the shorts couldn’t understand it either, because, once FF had eventually managed to get us back to the beer stop, they were ‘mass-debating’ again!......this time about how we’d nearly missed the beer!
Next it was ‘On On’ along the shore of the reservoir to the final long/short split. At this point, it was reported that Two Secs had randomly charged off in a different direction. Why?, we did not know at the time, but it later emerged that she was chasing men on bikes! (not for the first time by all accounts!). In the mean time, the longs were running around the woods near Dalditch Farm, and eventually re-joined the shorts not far from the split.
By this time, I had made up my mind that B was going to be in East Budleigh – but at which pub? We charged down off the Common, and with other FRB’s sensing that B may be close, the pace began to increase again – although, clearly, this was aided by the refreshingly downhill gradient!
Point B turned out to be at the Rolle Arms, which is conveniently located next to a bus stop. Fortunately, for Strongbow, who had forgotten to put a spare pair of shoes in his bag, there wasn’t long to wait for the bus back to point A. However, it was long enough for some of the pack to find the bar….and then to miss the bus!! In the meantime, the majority of the pack waited patiently at the bus stop, which duly arrived on time and was pretty much empty…until we got on! The driver looked somewhat puzzled as to why so such a rabble wanted to get from East Budleigh to Colaton Raleigh at 1620 in a Saturday afternoon! Troy explained as we got on the bus, but to no avail! I think the driver thought we were mad – which I guess could be considered an understandable thought!
As the bus approached point A, it passed Man-Pigs son (Man-Piglet, I think…at least that will do for the purposes of these words because I know no better!!), who had finished watching the rugby and was making his way to the pub. So, as soon as we got back to the car park, Man-Pig jumped in his car to collect Man-piglet and save him the walk down the road. However, while his dad’s back was turned, Man-piglet had clearly managed to thumb a lift as he was sat comfortably in the pub enjoying a pint while wondering what was making Man-Pig take so long to get from the bus stop to the bar!!
Miss Whiplash, I’m told, was nervous about going to the on-down. Unusual for any hasher, but it seems that Miss Whiplash was once banned from The Otter Inn and, being a law abiding person, hadn’t been back since. She snuck in behind some other hashers, and no one seemed to notice!!
Good food and beer was served in the pub – which was a good thing, because it was a long wait for the ‘circle’. I think Paperwork and Sorepoint were being widely blamed for the delay – apparently it was something to do with them ordering the biggest meal ever seen this on side of the Atlantic!
We eventually moved outside for the circle. By which time though, some of HIV’s best laid plans were ruined…….half the people who had ‘earned’ down-downs had escaped – clearly with guilty minds! Despite this the circle proceeded with HIV making it up on the spot! He did a very good job, but I can’t remember who got the down-downs!...other than the hares (for being the hares), possibly Spockeybitz (for only coming to the on-down), and Two Secs (for chasing the blokes on bikes). But there were also others!
Thanks to the hares for an excellent hash over some awesome terrain.
On On!,
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